Malachite Green Broth
Even though most of the media manufactured at Biotechnology Solutions TX is for the detection of microorganisms in the oil and gas industry, there are other options that have been developed for other fields like, mining, water treatment, and environmental control. Malachite Green Broth is a media designed for the detection of certain species of Pseudomonas, particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This kind of microorganisms can be found in ground water and soil, as well on fruits and vegetables. Under certain conditions these bacteria find ways of surviving in aqueous environments like whirlpool bathwater, swimming pools, and water processing plants. Keeping this microorganisms under control is the best way to prevent infections that have been reported to affect people with weakened immune systems, young children and the elderly. This media is selective for Pseudomonas and inhibits the growth of coliforms, like E. coli, that can also be found as a contaminant. Many water testing and treating companies worldwide use this media in order to keep water under ideal standards, whether it is for recreational activities or human consumption.
Frequently Asked Questions
1-What are the physical characteristics of Malachite Green Broth?
Malachite green broth is light green in color and will turn slightly yellowish and turbid if Pseudomonas are actively present.
2- How should I store this media?
Malachite green broth should be stored at 4°C and with no direct contact with either natural or artificial light. The media could start degrading and losing its properties if left exposed to light for a prolonged period of time. If kept under ideal conditions the media can last up to 6 months.
3-Can other kinds of bacteria grow in this media?
While this media is very selective for Pseudomonas and prevents the growth of many coliforms, there is a slight change it could get contaminated if sterile conditions are not met at the moment of inoculation. However, contaminants will show limited growth compared to the luxuriant growth of Pseudomonas.